| SqlCatalog (const CatalogDatabase &database, const std::string &statement) |
shash::Md5 | RetrieveMd5 (const int idx_high, const int idx_low) const |
shash::Any | RetrieveHashBlob (const int idx_column, const shash::Algorithms hash_algo, const char hash_suffix=shash::kSuffixNone) const |
shash::Any | RetrieveHashHex (const int idx_column, const char hash_suffix=shash::kSuffixNone) const |
bool | BindMd5 (const int idx_high, const int idx_low, const shash::Md5 &hash) |
bool | BindHashBlob (const int idx_column, const shash::Any &hash) |
| Sql (sqlite3 *sqlite_db, const std::string &statement) |
virtual | ~Sql () |
bool | Execute () |
bool | FetchRow () |
std::string | DebugResultTable () |
bool | Reset () |
int | GetLastError () const |
std::string | GetLastErrorMsg () const |
bool | BindBlob (const int index, const void *value, const unsigned size) |
bool | BindBlobTransient (const int index, const void *value, const unsigned size) |
bool | BindDouble (const int index, const double value) |
bool | BindInt (const int index, const int value) |
bool | BindInt64 (const int index, const sqlite3_int64 value) |
bool | BindNull (const int index) |
bool | BindTextTransient (const int index, const std::string &value) |
bool | BindTextTransient (const int index, const char *value, const int size) |
bool | BindText (const int index, const std::string &value) |
bool | BindText (const int index, const char *value, const int size, void(*dtor)(void *)=SQLITE_STATIC) |
template<typename T > |
bool | Bind (const int index, const T &value) |
int | RetrieveType (const int idx_column) const |
int | RetrieveBytes (const int idx_column) const |
const void * | RetrieveBlob (const int idx_column) const |
double | RetrieveDouble (const int idx_column) const |
int | RetrieveNullableInt (const int idx_column, const int val_null) const |
int | RetrieveInt (const int idx_column) const |
sqlite3_int64 | RetrieveInt64 (const int idx_column) const |
const unsigned char * | RetrieveText (const int idx_column) const |
std::string | RetrieveString (const int idx_column) const |
template<typename T > |
T | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const int &value) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const unsigned int &value) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const uint64_t &value) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const sqlite3_int64 &value) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const std::string &value) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const float &value) |
template<> |
bool | Bind (const int index, const double &value) |
template<> |
int | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
bool | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
sqlite3_int64 | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
uint64_t | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
std::string | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
float | Retrieve (const int index) |
template<> |
double | Retrieve (const int index) |
Base class for all SQL statement classes. It wraps a single SQL statement and all necessary calls of the sqlite3 API to deal with this statement.
Definition at line 78 of file catalog_sql.h.