This is the complete list of members for RamCacheManager, including all inherited members.
AbortTxn(void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
AcquireQuotaManager(QuotaManager *quota_mgr) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
AddFd(const ReadOnlyHandle &handle) | RamCacheManager | private |
CacheManager() | CacheManager | protected |
ChecksumFd(int fd, shash::Any *id) | CacheManager | |
Close(int fd) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
CommitFromMem(const LabeledObject &object, const unsigned char *buffer, const uint64_t size) | CacheManager | |
CommitToKvStore(Transaction *transaction) | RamCacheManager | private |
CommitTxn(void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
counters_ | RamCacheManager | private |
CtrlTxn(const Label &label, const int flags, void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
Describe() | RamCacheManager | virtual |
DoFreeState(void *data) | CacheManager | inlineprotectedvirtual |
DoOpen(const shash::Any &id) | RamCacheManager | privatevirtual |
DoRestoreState(void *data) | CacheManager | inlineprotectedvirtual |
DoSaveState() | CacheManager | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Dup(int fd) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
fd_table_ | RamCacheManager | private |
FreeState(const int fd_progress, void *state) | CacheManager | |
GetSize(int fd) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
GetStore(const ReadOnlyHandle &fd) | RamCacheManager | inlineprivate |
GetTransactionStore(Transaction *txn) | RamCacheManager | inlineprivate |
id() | RamCacheManager | inlinevirtual |
kInvalidHandle | RamCacheManager | privatestatic |
kLabelCatalog | CacheManager | static |
kLabelCertificate | CacheManager | static |
kLabelChunked | CacheManager | static |
kLabelExternal | CacheManager | static |
kLabelHistory | CacheManager | static |
kLabelMetainfo | CacheManager | static |
kLabelPinned | CacheManager | static |
kLabelVolatile | CacheManager | static |
kSizeUnknown | CacheManager | static |
LoadBreadcrumb(const std::string &) | CacheManager | inlinevirtual |
max_size_ | RamCacheManager | private |
Open(const LabeledObject &object) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
Open2Mem(const LabeledObject &object, unsigned char **buffer, uint64_t *size) | CacheManager | |
OpenFromTxn(void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
OpenPinned(const LabeledObject &object) | CacheManager | |
PeekState(void *state) | CacheManager | inline |
Pread(int fd, void *buf, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
quota_mgr() | CacheManager | inline |
quota_mgr_ | CacheManager | protected |
RamCacheManager(uint64_t max_size, unsigned max_entries, MemoryKvStore::MemoryAllocator alloc, perf::StatisticsTemplate statistics) | RamCacheManager | |
Readahead(int fd) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
regular_entries_ | RamCacheManager | private |
Reset(void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
RestoreState(const int fd_progress, void *state) | CacheManager | |
rwlock_ | RamCacheManager | private |
SaveState(const int fd_progress) | CacheManager | |
SizeOfTxn() | RamCacheManager | inlinevirtual |
Spawn() | RamCacheManager | inlinevirtual |
StartTxn(const shash::Any &id, uint64_t size, void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
StoreBreadcrumb(const manifest::Manifest &) | CacheManager | inlinevirtual |
volatile_entries_ | RamCacheManager | private |
Write(const void *buf, uint64_t size, void *txn) | RamCacheManager | virtual |
~CacheManager() | CacheManager | virtual |
~RamCacheManager() | RamCacheManager | virtual |