This is the complete list of members for TaskRead, including all inherited members.
allocator_ | TaskRead | private |
high_watermark_ | TaskRead | private |
kBlockSize | TaskRead | static |
kThrottleInitMs | TaskRead | static |
kThrottleMaxMs | TaskRead | static |
kThrottleResetMs | TaskRead | static |
low_watermark_ | TaskRead | private |
n_block() | TaskRead | inline |
n_block_ | TaskRead | private |
OnTerminate() | TubeConsumer< FileItem > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Process(FileItem *item) | TaskRead | protectedvirtual |
SetWatermarks(uint64_t low, uint64_t high) | TaskRead | |
tag_seq_ | TaskRead | privatestatic |
TaskRead(Tube< FileItem > *tube_in, TubeGroup< BlockItem > *tubes_out, ItemAllocator *allocator) | TaskRead | inline |
tube_ | TubeConsumer< FileItem > | protected |
TubeConsumer(Tube< FileItem > *tube) | TubeConsumer< FileItem > | inlineexplicitprotected |
tubes_out_ | TaskRead | private |
~TubeConsumer() | TubeConsumer< FileItem > | inlinevirtual |