GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: cvmfs/
File: cvmfs/sync_item.h
Date: 2024-04-28 02:33:07
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 24 95 25.3%
Branches: 12 79 15.2%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /**
2 * This file is part of the CernVM File System
3 */
5 #ifndef CVMFS_SYNC_ITEM_H_
6 #define CVMFS_SYNC_ITEM_H_
8 #include <sys/types.h>
10 #if !defined(__APPLE__)
11 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
12 #endif // __APPLE__
14 #include <cstring>
15 #include <map>
16 #include <string>
18 #include "crypto/hash.h"
19 #include "directory_entry.h"
20 #include "duplex_libarchive.h"
21 #include "file_chunk.h"
22 #include "util/platform.h"
23 #include "util/shared_ptr.h"
25 class IngestionSource;
27 namespace publish {
29 enum SyncItemType {
30 kItemDir,
31 kItemFile,
32 kItemSymlink,
33 kItemCharacterDevice,
34 kItemBlockDevice,
35 kItemFifo,
36 kItemSocket,
37 kItemNew,
38 kItemMarker,
39 kItemUnknown,
40 };
42 class SyncUnion;
43 /**
44 * Every directory entry emitted by the FileSystemTraversal is wrapped in a
45 * SyncItem structure by the factory method SyncUnion::CreateSyncItem().
46 *
47 * Since we are dealing with a union file system setup, this class represents
48 * potentially three concrete files:
49 * - <read-only path>/<filename> | cf. rdonly_stat_
50 * - <scratch (read-write) branch>/<filename> | cf. scratch_stat_
51 * - <union volume path>/<filename> | cf. union_stat_
52 *
53 * This class caches stat calls to the underlying files in different branches of
54 * the union file system and hides some interpretation details.
55 */
56 class SyncItem {
57 // only SyncUnion can create SyncItems (see SyncUnion::CreateSyncItem).
58 // SyncUnionTarball can create SyncItemTar and SyncItemDummyDir.
60 public:
61 SyncItem();
62 virtual ~SyncItem();
64 33 inline bool IsDirectory() const { return IsType(kItemDir); }
65 inline bool WasDirectory() const { return WasType(kItemDir); }
66 25 inline bool IsRegularFile() const { return IsType(kItemFile); }
67 inline bool WasRegularFile() const { return WasType(kItemFile); }
68 1 inline bool IsSymlink() const { return IsType(kItemSymlink); }
69 inline bool WasSymlink() const { return WasType(kItemSymlink); }
70 19 inline bool IsNew() const { return WasType(kItemNew); }
71 inline bool IsTouched() const {
72 return (GetRdOnlyFiletype() == GetUnionFiletype()) &&
73 (GetRdOnlyFiletype() == GetScratchFiletype()) &&
74 (GetUnionFiletype() == GetScratchFiletype());
75 }
76 inline bool IsCharacterDevice() const { return IsType(kItemCharacterDevice); }
77 inline bool IsBlockDevice() const { return IsType(kItemBlockDevice); }
78 inline bool IsFifo() const { return IsType(kItemFifo); }
79 inline bool IsSocket() const { return IsType(kItemSocket); }
80 inline bool IsGraftMarker() const { return IsType(kItemMarker); }
81 inline bool IsExternalData() const { return external_data_; }
82 inline bool IsDirectIo() const { return direct_io_; }
84 10 inline bool IsWhiteout() const { return whiteout_; }
85 inline bool IsCatalogMarker() const { return filename_ == ".cvmfscatalog"; }
86 inline bool IsOpaqueDirectory() const { return IsDirectory() && opaque_; }
88 inline bool IsSpecialFile() const {
89 return IsCharacterDevice() || IsBlockDevice() || IsFifo() || IsSocket();
90 }
91 inline bool WasSpecialFile() const {
92 return WasType(kItemCharacterDevice) ||
93 WasType(kItemBlockDevice) ||
94 WasType(kItemFifo) ||
95 WasType(kItemSocket);
96 }
97 inline bool IsBundleSpec() const {
98 return filename_ == ".cvmfsbundles";
99 }
100 inline bool WasBundleSpec() const {
101 return filename_ == ".cvmfsbundles";
102 }
104 inline unsigned int GetRdevMajor() const {
105 assert(IsSpecialFile());
106 StatUnion(true); return major(union_stat_.stat.st_rdev);
107 }
109 inline unsigned int GetRdevMinor() const {
110 assert(IsSpecialFile());
111 StatUnion(true); return minor(union_stat_.stat.st_rdev);
112 }
114 bool HasCatalogMarker() const { return has_catalog_marker_; }
115 bool HasGraftMarker() const { return graft_marker_present_; }
116 bool HasCompressionAlgorithm() const { return has_compression_algorithm_; }
117 bool IsValidGraft() const { return valid_graft_; }
118 bool IsChunkedGraft() const { return graft_chunklist_; }
120 inline const FileChunkList* GetGraftChunks() const {return graft_chunklist_;}
121 inline shash::Any GetContentHash() const { return content_hash_; }
122 inline void SetContentHash(const shash::Any &hash) { content_hash_ = hash; }
123 inline bool HasContentHash() const { return !content_hash_.IsNull(); }
124 void SetExternalData(bool val) {external_data_ = val;}
125 void SetDirectIo(bool val) {direct_io_ = val;}
127 inline zlib::Algorithms GetCompressionAlgorithm() const {
128 return compression_algorithm_;
129 }
130 inline void SetCompressionAlgorithm(const zlib::Algorithms &alg) {
131 compression_algorithm_ = alg;
132 has_compression_algorithm_ = true;
133 }
135 /**
136 * Generates a DirectoryEntry that can be directly stored into a catalog db.
137 * Note: this sets the inode fields to kInvalidInode as well as the link
138 * count to 1 if MaskHardlink() has been called before (cf. OverlayFS)
139 * @return a DirectoryEntry structure to be written into a catalog
140 */
141 virtual catalog::DirectoryEntryBase CreateBasicCatalogDirent() const = 0;
143 62 inline std::string GetRelativePath() const {
144 62 return (relative_parent_path_.empty()) ?
145 12 filename_ :
✓ Branch 0 taken 12 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50 times.
✓ Branch 3 taken 12 times.
✗ Branch 4 not taken.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
✗ Branch 6 not taken.
✓ Branch 7 taken 50 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✗ Branch 11 not taken.
✓ Branch 13 taken 50 times.
✗ Branch 14 not taken.
✓ Branch 16 taken 50 times.
✗ Branch 17 not taken.
✓ Branch 18 taken 50 times.
✓ Branch 19 taken 12 times.
✗ Branch 21 not taken.
✓ Branch 22 taken 62 times.
✗ Branch 24 not taken.
✗ Branch 25 not taken.
✗ Branch 27 not taken.
✗ Branch 28 not taken.
124 relative_parent_path_ + (filename_.empty() ? "" : ("/" + filename_));
147 }
149 std::string GetRdOnlyPath() const;
150 std::string GetUnionPath() const;
151 std::string GetScratchPath() const;
153 void MarkAsWhiteout(const std::string &actual_filename);
154 void MarkAsOpaqueDirectory();
156 /**
157 * Union file systems (i.e. OverlayFS) might not properly support hardlinks,
158 * forcing us to ignore them during publishing. A 'masked hardlink' will be
159 * treated as a normal file (linkcount == 1). Hence, any created hardlinks
160 * will be broken up into individual files with differing inodes.
161 */
162 inline void MaskHardlink() { masked_hardlink_ = true; }
163 inline bool HasHardlinks() const {
164 return !masked_hardlink_ && GetUnionLinkcount() > 1;
165 }
167 unsigned int GetRdOnlyLinkcount() const;
168 uint64_t GetRdOnlyInode() const;
169 unsigned int GetUnionLinkcount() const;
170 uint64_t GetUnionInode() const;
171 uint64_t GetScratchSize() const;
172 uint64_t GetRdOnlySize() const;
174 30 inline std::string filename() const { return filename_; }
175 inline std::string relative_parent_path() const {
176 return relative_parent_path_;
177 }
179 virtual IngestionSource *CreateIngestionSource() const = 0;
180 virtual void MakePlaceholderDirectory() const = 0;
181 void SetCatalogMarker() { has_catalog_marker_ = true; }
183 bool operator==(const SyncItem &other) const {
184 return ((relative_parent_path_ == other.relative_parent_path_) &&
185 (filename_ == other.filename_));
186 }
188 protected:
189 /**
190 * create a new SyncItem
191 * Note: SyncItems cannot be created by any using code. SyncUnion will take
192 * care of their creating through a factory method to make sure they
193 * are initialised correctly (whiteout, hardlink handling, ...)
194 *
195 * @param dirPath the RELATIVE path to the file
196 * @param filename the name of the file ;-)
197 * @param entryType well...
198 */
199 SyncItem(const std::string &relative_parent_path,
200 const std::string &filename,
201 const SyncUnion *union_engine,
202 const SyncItemType entry_type);
204 inline platform_stat64 GetUnionStat() const {
205 StatUnion();
206 return union_stat_.stat;
207 }
209 SyncItemType GetRdOnlyFiletype() const;
210 SyncItemType GetUnionFiletype() const;
212 virtual SyncItemType GetScratchFiletype() const = 0;
214 /**
215 * Checks if the SyncItem _is_ the given file type (file, dir, symlink, ...)
216 * in the union file system volume. Hence: After the publish operation, the
217 * file will be this type in CVMFS.
218 * @param expected_type the file type to be checked against
219 * @return true if file type matches the expected type
220 */
221 virtual bool IsType(const SyncItemType expected_type) const = 0;
223 /**
224 * Checks if the SyncItem _was_ the given file type (file, dir, symlink, ...)
225 * in CVMFS (or the lower layer of the union file system). Hence: Before the
226 * current transaction the file _was_ this type in CVMFS.
227 * @param expected_type the file type to be checked against
228 * @return true if file type was the expected type in CVMFS
229 */
230 19 inline bool WasType(const SyncItemType expected_type) const {
✓ Branch 0 taken 17 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 2 times.
19 if (rdonly_type_ == kItemUnknown) {
232 17 rdonly_type_ = GetRdOnlyFiletype();
233 }
234 19 return rdonly_type_ == expected_type;
235 }
237 /**
238 * Structure to cache stat calls to the different file locations.
239 */
240 struct EntryStat {
241 62 EntryStat() : obtained(false), error_code(0) {
242 62 memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat));
243 62 }
245 inline SyncItemType GetSyncItemType() const {
246 assert(obtained);
247 if (S_ISREG(stat.st_mode)) return kItemFile;
248 if (S_ISLNK(stat.st_mode)) return kItemSymlink;
249 if (S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode)) return kItemDir;
250 if (S_ISFIFO(stat.st_mode)) return kItemFifo;
251 if (S_ISSOCK(stat.st_mode)) return kItemSocket;
252 if (S_ISCHR(stat.st_mode)) return kItemCharacterDevice;
253 if (S_ISBLK(stat.st_mode)) return kItemBlockDevice;
254 return kItemUnknown;
255 }
257 bool obtained; /**< false at the beginning, true after first stat call */
258 int error_code; /**< errno value of the stat call */
259 platform_stat64 stat;
260 };
262 static void StatGeneric(const std::string &path,
263 EntryStat *info,
264 const bool refresh);
265 SyncItemType GetGenericFiletype(const EntryStat &stat) const;
266 void CheckMarkerFiles();
268 mutable SyncItemType rdonly_type_;
269 mutable EntryStat scratch_stat_;
271 ssize_t graft_size_;
273 // The hash of regular file's content
274 shash::Any content_hash_;
276 mutable SyncItemType scratch_type_;
278 private:
279 void CheckCatalogMarker();
281 std::string filename_;
283 std::string GetGraftMarkerPath() const;
284 void CheckGraft();
286 const SyncUnion *union_engine_; /**< this SyncUnion created this object */
288 mutable EntryStat rdonly_stat_;
289 mutable EntryStat union_stat_;
291 bool whiteout_; /**< SyncUnion marked this as whiteout */
292 bool opaque_; /**< SyncUnion marked this as opaque dir*/
293 bool masked_hardlink_; /**< SyncUnion masked out the linkcount */
294 bool has_catalog_marker_; /**< directory containing .cvmfscatalog */
295 bool valid_graft_; /**< checksum and size in graft marker */
296 bool graft_marker_present_; /**< .cvmfsgraft-$filename exists */
298 bool external_data_;
299 bool direct_io_;
300 std::string relative_parent_path_;
302 /**
303 * Chunklist from graft. Not initialized by default to save memory.
304 */
305 FileChunkList *graft_chunklist_;
307 // The compression algorithm for the file
308 zlib::Algorithms compression_algorithm_;
309 // The compression algorithm has been set explicitly
310 bool has_compression_algorithm_;
312 // Lazy evaluation and caching of results of file stats
313 17 inline void StatRdOnly(const bool refresh = false) const {
314 17 StatGeneric(GetRdOnlyPath(), &rdonly_stat_, refresh);
315 17 }
316 inline void StatUnion(const bool refresh = false) const {
317 StatGeneric(GetUnionPath(), &union_stat_, refresh);
318 }
319 virtual void StatScratch(const bool refresh) const = 0;
320 };
322 typedef std::map<std::string, SharedPtr<SyncItem> > SyncItemList;
324 class SyncItemNative : public SyncItem {
325 friend class SyncUnion;
326 virtual catalog::DirectoryEntryBase CreateBasicCatalogDirent() const;
327 virtual IngestionSource *CreateIngestionSource() const;
328 virtual void MakePlaceholderDirectory() const { assert(false); }
329 virtual SyncItemType GetScratchFiletype() const;
330 virtual bool IsType(const SyncItemType expected_type) const;
331 virtual void StatScratch(const bool refresh) const {
332 StatGeneric(GetScratchPath(), &scratch_stat_, refresh);
333 }
335 protected:
336 5 SyncItemNative(const std::string &relative_parent_path,
337 const std::string &filename, const SyncUnion *union_engine,
338 const SyncItemType entry_type)
339 5 : SyncItem(relative_parent_path, filename, union_engine, entry_type) {
✓ Branch 1 taken 5 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
5 CheckMarkerFiles();
341 5 }
342 };
344 } // namespace publish
346 #endif // CVMFS_SYNC_ITEM_H_