GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: cvmfs/
File: cvmfs/swissknife_filestats.cc
Date: 2025-02-09 02:34:19
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 204 0.0%
Branches: 0 88 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /**
2 * This file is part of the CernVM File System
3 */
5 #include "swissknife_filestats.h"
7 #include <cassert>
9 #include "crypto/hash.h"
10 #include "util/logging.h"
11 #include "util/posix.h"
12 #include "util/string.h"
14 using namespace std; // NOLINT
16 namespace swissknife {
18 ParameterList CommandFileStats::GetParams() const {
19 ParameterList r;
20 r.push_back(Parameter::Mandatory(
21 'r', "repository URL (absolute local path or remote URL)"));
22 r.push_back(Parameter::Mandatory('o', "output database file"));
23 r.push_back(Parameter::Optional('n', "fully qualified repository name"));
24 r.push_back(Parameter::Optional('k', "repository master key(s) / dir"));
25 r.push_back(Parameter::Optional('l', "temporary directory"));
26 r.push_back(Parameter::Optional('h', "root hash (other than trunk)"));
27 r.push_back(Parameter::Optional('@', "proxy url"));
28 return r;
29 }
31 int CommandFileStats::Main(const ArgumentList &args) {
32 shash::Any manual_root_hash;
33 const std::string &repo_url = *args.find('r')->second;
34 db_path_ = *args.find('o')->second;
35 const std::string &repo_name =
36 (args.count('n') > 0) ? *args.find('n')->second : "";
37 std::string repo_keys =
38 (args.count('k') > 0) ? *args.find('k')->second : "";
39 if (DirectoryExists(repo_keys))
40 repo_keys = JoinStrings(FindFilesBySuffix(repo_keys, ".pub"), ":");
41 const std::string &tmp_dir =
42 (args.count('l') > 0) ? *args.find('l')->second : "/tmp";
43 if (args.count('h') > 0) {
44 manual_root_hash = shash::MkFromHexPtr(shash::HexPtr(
45 *args.find('h')->second), shash::kSuffixCatalog);
46 }
48 tmp_db_path_ = tmp_dir + "/cvmfs_filestats/";
49 atomic_init32(&num_downloaded_);
51 bool success = false;
52 if (IsHttpUrl(repo_url)) {
53 const bool follow_redirects = false;
54 const string proxy = (args.count('@') > 0) ? *args.find('@')->second : "";
55 if (!this->InitDownloadManager(follow_redirects, proxy) ||
56 !this->InitSignatureManager(repo_keys)) {
57 LogCvmfs(kLogCatalog, kLogStderr, "Failed to init remote connection");
58 return 1;
59 }
61 HttpObjectFetcher<catalog::Catalog,
62 history::SqliteHistory> fetcher(repo_name,
63 repo_url,
64 tmp_dir,
65 download_manager(),
66 signature_manager());
67 success = Run(&fetcher);
68 } else {
69 LocalObjectFetcher<> fetcher(repo_url, tmp_dir);
70 success = Run(&fetcher);
71 }
73 return (success) ? 0 : 1;
74 }
76 template <class ObjectFetcherT>
77 bool CommandFileStats::Run(ObjectFetcherT *object_fetcher)
78 {
79 atomic_init32(&finished_);
81 string abs_path = GetAbsolutePath(db_path_);
82 unlink(abs_path.c_str());
83 db_ = FileStatsDatabase::Create(db_path_);
84 db_->InitStatements();
86 assert(MkdirDeep(tmp_db_path_, 0755));
88 typename CatalogTraversal<ObjectFetcherT>::Parameters params;
89 params.object_fetcher = object_fetcher;
90 CatalogTraversal<ObjectFetcherT> traversal(params);
91 traversal.RegisterListener(&CommandFileStats::CatalogCallback, this);
93 pthread_create(&thread_processing_, NULL, MainProcessing, this);
95 bool ret = traversal.Traverse();
97 atomic_inc32(&finished_);
98 pthread_join(thread_processing_, NULL);
100 db_->DestroyStatements();
102 return ret;
103 }
105 void CommandFileStats::CatalogCallback(
106 const CatalogTraversalData<catalog::Catalog> &data) {
107 int32_t num = atomic_read32(&num_downloaded_);
108 string out_path = tmp_db_path_ + StringifyInt(num + 1) + ".db";
109 assert(CopyPath2Path(data.catalog->database_path(), out_path));
110 atomic_inc32(&num_downloaded_);
111 }
113 void *CommandFileStats::MainProcessing(void *data) {
114 CommandFileStats *repo_stats = static_cast<CommandFileStats *>(data);
115 int processed = 0;
116 int32_t downloaded = atomic_read32(&repo_stats->num_downloaded_);
117 int32_t fin = atomic_read32(&repo_stats->finished_);
119 repo_stats->db_->BeginTransaction();
120 while (fin == 0 || processed < downloaded) {
121 if (processed < downloaded) {
122 LogCvmfs(kLogCatalog, kLogStdout, "Processing catalog %d", processed);
123 string db_path = repo_stats->tmp_db_path_ + "/" +
124 StringifyInt(processed + 1) + ".db";
125 repo_stats->ProcessCatalog(db_path);
126 ++processed;
127 }
128 downloaded = atomic_read32(&repo_stats->num_downloaded_);
129 fin = atomic_read32(&repo_stats->finished_);
130 }
131 repo_stats->db_->CommitTransaction();
133 return NULL;
134 }
138 void CommandFileStats::ProcessCatalog(string db_path) {
139 sqlite::Database<catalog::CatalogDatabase> *cat_db;
140 cat_db = sqlite::Database<catalog::CatalogDatabase>::Open(
141 db_path,
142 sqlite::Database<catalog::CatalogDatabase>::kOpenReadOnly);
143 cat_db->TakeFileOwnership();
145 int64_t file_size = GetFileSize(db_path);
146 sqlite::Sql *catalog_count = new sqlite::Sql(cat_db->sqlite_db(),
147 "SELECT count(*) FROM catalog;");
148 catalog_count->Execute();
149 int cur_catalog_id = db_->StoreCatalog(catalog_count->RetrieveInt64(0),
150 file_size);
151 delete catalog_count;
153 sqlite::Sql *catalog_list =
154 new sqlite::Sql(cat_db->sqlite_db(),
155 "SELECT hash, size, flags, symlink FROM catalog;");
156 sqlite::Sql *chunks_list =
157 new sqlite::Sql(cat_db->sqlite_db(),
158 "SELECT md5path_1, md5path_2, size, hash FROM chunks "
159 "ORDER BY md5path_1 ASC, md5path_2 ASC;");
161 while (catalog_list->FetchRow()) {
162 const void *hash = catalog_list->RetrieveBlob(0);
163 int num_bytes = catalog_list->RetrieveBytes(0);
164 int64_t size = catalog_list->RetrieveInt64(1);
165 int flags = catalog_list->RetrieveInt(2);
166 if ((flags & catalog::SqlDirent::kFlagLink) ==
167 catalog::SqlDirent::kFlagLink) {
168 int symlink_length = catalog_list->RetrieveBytes(3);
169 db_->StoreSymlink(symlink_length);
170 } else if ((flags & catalog::SqlDirent::kFlagFile) ==
171 catalog::SqlDirent::kFlagFile)
172 {
173 if ((flags & catalog::SqlDirent::kFlagFileChunk) !=
174 catalog::SqlDirent::kFlagFileChunk)
175 {
176 int object_id = db_->StoreObject(hash, num_bytes, size);
177 db_->StoreFile(cur_catalog_id, object_id);
178 } else {
179 // Bulk hashes in addition to chunks
180 if (hash != NULL)
181 db_->StoreObject(hash, num_bytes, size);
182 }
183 }
184 }
186 int old_md5path_1 = 0, old_md5path_2 = 0;
187 int md5path_1 = 0, md5path_2 = 0;
188 int cur_file_id = 0;
189 while (chunks_list->FetchRow()) {
190 md5path_1 = chunks_list->RetrieveInt(0);
191 md5path_2 = chunks_list->RetrieveInt(1);
192 if (md5path_1 != old_md5path_1 || md5path_2 != old_md5path_2) {
193 cur_file_id = db_->StoreChunkedFile(cur_catalog_id);
194 }
195 const void *hash = chunks_list->RetrieveBlob(3);
196 int num_bytes = chunks_list->RetrieveBytes(3);
197 int64_t size = chunks_list->RetrieveInt64(2);
198 db_->StoreChunk(hash, num_bytes, size, cur_file_id);
199 old_md5path_1 = md5path_1;
200 old_md5path_2 = md5path_2;
201 }
203 delete catalog_list;
204 delete chunks_list;
205 delete cat_db;
206 }
208 float FileStatsDatabase::kLatestSchema = 1;
209 unsigned FileStatsDatabase::kLatestSchemaRevision = 1;
211 bool FileStatsDatabase::CreateEmptyDatabase() {
212 bool ret = true;
213 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
214 "CREATE TABLE catalogs ("
215 "catalog_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
216 "num_entries INTEGER,"
217 "file_size INTEGER"
218 ");").Execute();
219 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
220 "CREATE TABLE objects ("
221 "object_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
222 "hash BLOB,"
223 "size INTEGER"
224 ");").Execute();
225 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
226 "CREATE INDEX idx_object_hash "
227 "ON objects (hash);").Execute();
228 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
229 "CREATE TABLE files ("
230 "file_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
231 "catalog_id INTEGER,"
232 "FOREIGN KEY (catalog_id) REFERENCES catalogs (catalog_id)"
233 ");").Execute();
234 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
235 "CREATE TABLE files_objects ("
236 "file_id INTEGER,"
237 "object_id INTEGER,"
238 "FOREIGN KEY (file_id) REFERENCES files (file_id),"
239 "FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES objects (object_id));").Execute();
240 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
241 "CREATE INDEX idx_file_id ON files_objects (file_id);").Execute();
242 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
243 "CREATE INDEX idx_object_id ON files_objects (object_id);").Execute();
244 ret &= sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
245 "CREATE TABLE symlinks ("
246 "length INTEGER);").Execute();
247 return ret;
248 }
250 void FileStatsDatabase::InitStatements() {
251 query_insert_catalog = new sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
252 "INSERT INTO catalogs (num_entries, file_size) VALUES (:num, :size);");
253 query_insert_object = new sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
254 "INSERT INTO objects (hash, size) VALUES (:hash, :size);");
255 query_insert_file = new sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
256 "INSERT INTO files (catalog_id) VALUES (:catalog);");
257 query_insert_file_object = new sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
258 "INSERT INTO files_objects (file_id, object_id) VALUES (:file, :object);");
259 query_insert_symlink = new sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
260 "INSERT INTO symlinks (length) VALUES(:length);");
261 query_lookup_object = new sqlite::Sql(sqlite_db(),
262 "SELECT object_id FROM objects WHERE hash = :hash;");
263 }
265 void FileStatsDatabase::DestroyStatements() {
266 delete query_insert_catalog;
267 delete query_insert_object;
268 delete query_insert_file;
269 delete query_insert_file_object;
270 delete query_insert_symlink;
271 delete query_lookup_object;
272 }
274 int64_t FileStatsDatabase::StoreCatalog(int64_t num_entries,
275 int64_t file_size) {
276 query_insert_catalog->Reset();
277 query_insert_catalog->BindInt64(1, num_entries);
278 query_insert_catalog->BindInt64(2, file_size);
279 query_insert_catalog->Execute();
280 return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite_db());
281 }
283 int64_t FileStatsDatabase::StoreFile(int64_t catalog_id, int64_t object_id) {
284 query_insert_file->Reset();
285 query_insert_file->BindInt64(1, catalog_id);
286 query_insert_file->Execute();
287 int file_id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite_db());
289 query_insert_file_object->Reset();
290 query_insert_file_object->BindInt64(1, file_id);
291 query_insert_file_object->BindInt64(2, object_id);
292 query_insert_file_object->Execute();
293 return file_id;
294 }
296 int64_t FileStatsDatabase::StoreChunkedFile(int64_t catalog_id) {
297 query_insert_file->Reset();
298 query_insert_file->BindInt64(1, catalog_id);
299 query_insert_file->Execute();
300 return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite_db());
301 }
303 int64_t FileStatsDatabase::StoreChunk(const void *hash, int hash_size,
304 int64_t size, int64_t file_id) {
305 int object_id = StoreObject(hash, hash_size, size);
307 query_insert_file_object->Reset();
308 query_insert_file_object->BindInt64(1, file_id);
309 query_insert_file_object->BindInt64(2, object_id);
310 query_insert_file_object->Execute();
311 return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite_db());
312 }
314 int64_t FileStatsDatabase::StoreObject(const void *hash, int hash_size,
315 int64_t size) {
316 query_lookup_object->Reset();
317 query_lookup_object->BindBlob(1, hash, hash_size);
318 if (query_lookup_object->FetchRow()) {
319 return query_lookup_object->RetrieveInt(0);
320 } else {
321 query_insert_object->Reset();
322 query_insert_object->BindBlob(1, hash, hash_size);
323 query_insert_object->BindInt64(2, size);
324 query_insert_object->Execute();
325 return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite_db());
326 }
327 }
329 int64_t FileStatsDatabase::StoreSymlink(int64_t length) {
330 query_insert_symlink->Reset();
331 query_insert_symlink->BindInt64(1, length);
332 query_insert_symlink->Execute();
333 return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite_db());
334 }
336 } // namespace swissknife