GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: cvmfs/
File: cvmfs/compression.h
Date: 2024-05-05 02:33:21
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 2 2 100.0%
Branches: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /**
2 * This file is part of the CernVM File System.
3 */
8 #include <errno.h>
9 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <string>
14 #include "duplex_zlib.h"
15 #include "network/sink.h"
16 #include "util/plugin.h"
18 namespace shash {
19 struct Any;
20 class ContextPtr;
21 }
23 bool CopyPath2Path(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest);
24 bool CopyPath2File(const std::string &src, FILE *fdest);
25 bool CopyMem2Path(const unsigned char *buffer, const unsigned buffer_size,
26 const std::string &path);
27 bool CopyMem2File(const unsigned char *buffer, const unsigned buffer_size,
28 FILE *fdest);
29 bool CopyPath2Mem(const std::string &path,
30 unsigned char **buffer, unsigned *buffer_size);
32 namespace zlib {
34 const unsigned kZChunk = 16384;
36 enum StreamStates {
37 kStreamDataError = 0,
38 kStreamIOError,
39 kStreamContinue,
40 kStreamEnd,
41 };
43 // Do not change order of algorithms. Used as flags in the catalog
44 enum Algorithms {
45 kZlibDefault = 0,
46 kNoCompression,
47 };
49 /**
50 * Abstract Compression class which is inherited by implementations of
51 * compression engines such as zlib.
52 *
53 * In order to add a new compression method, you simply need to add a new class
54 * which is a sub-class of the Compressor. The subclass needs to implement the
55 * Deflate, DeflateBound, Clone, and WillHandle functions. For information on
56 * the WillHandle function, read up on the PolymorphicConstruction class.
57 * The new sub-class must be listed in the implementation of the
58 * Compressor::RegisterPlugins function.
59 *
60 */
61 class Compressor: public PolymorphicConstruction<Compressor, Algorithms> {
62 public:
63 249484 explicit Compressor(const Algorithms & /* alg */) { }
64 500706 virtual ~Compressor() { }
65 /**
66 * Deflate function. The arguments and returns closely match the input and
67 * output of the zlib deflate function.
68 * Input:
69 * - outbuf - Output buffer to write the compressed data.
70 * - outbufsize - Size of the output buffer
71 * - inbuf - Input data to be compressed
72 * - inbufsize - Size of the input buffer
73 * - flush - Whether the compression stream should be flushed / finished
74 * Upon return:
75 * returns: true - if done compressing, false otherwise
76 * - outbuf - output buffer pointer (unchanged from input)
77 * - outbufsize - The number of bytes used in the outbuf
78 * - inbuf - Pointer to the next byte of input to read in
79 * - inbufsize - the remaining bytes of input to read in.
80 * - flush - unchanged from input
81 */
82 virtual bool Deflate(const bool flush,
83 unsigned char **inbuf, size_t *inbufsize,
84 unsigned char **outbuf, size_t *outbufsize) = 0;
86 /**
87 * Return an upper bound on the number of bytes required in order to compress
88 * an input number of bytes.
89 * Returns: Upper bound on the number of bytes required to compress.
90 */
91 virtual size_t DeflateBound(const size_t bytes) = 0;
92 virtual Compressor* Clone() = 0;
94 static void RegisterPlugins();
95 };
98 class ZlibCompressor: public Compressor {
99 public:
100 explicit ZlibCompressor(const Algorithms &alg);
101 ZlibCompressor(const ZlibCompressor &other);
102 ~ZlibCompressor();
104 bool Deflate(const bool flush,
105 unsigned char **inbuf, size_t *inbufsize,
106 unsigned char **outbuf, size_t *outbufsize);
107 size_t DeflateBound(const size_t bytes);
108 Compressor* Clone();
109 static bool WillHandle(const zlib::Algorithms &alg);
111 private:
112 z_stream stream_;
113 };
116 class EchoCompressor: public Compressor {
117 public:
118 explicit EchoCompressor(const Algorithms &alg);
119 bool Deflate(const bool flush,
120 unsigned char **inbuf, size_t *inbufsize,
121 unsigned char **outbuf, size_t *outbufsize);
122 size_t DeflateBound(const size_t bytes);
123 Compressor* Clone();
124 static bool WillHandle(const zlib::Algorithms &alg);
125 };
128 Algorithms ParseCompressionAlgorithm(const std::string &algorithm_option);
129 std::string AlgorithmName(const zlib::Algorithms alg);
132 void CompressInit(z_stream *strm);
133 void DecompressInit(z_stream *strm);
134 void CompressFini(z_stream *strm);
135 void DecompressFini(z_stream *strm);
137 StreamStates CompressZStream2Null(
138 const void *buf, const int64_t size, const bool eof,
139 z_stream *strm, shash::ContextPtr *hash_context);
140 StreamStates DecompressZStream2File(const void *buf, const int64_t size,
141 z_stream *strm, FILE *f);
142 StreamStates DecompressZStream2Sink(const void *buf, const int64_t size,
143 z_stream *strm, cvmfs::Sink *sink);
145 bool CompressPath2Path(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest);
146 bool CompressPath2Path(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest,
147 shash::Any *compressed_hash);
148 bool DecompressPath2Path(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest);
150 bool CompressPath2Null(const std::string &src, shash::Any *compressed_hash);
151 bool CompressFile2Null(FILE *fsrc, shash::Any *compressed_hash);
152 bool CompressFd2Null(int fd_src, shash::Any *compressed_hash,
153 uint64_t* size = NULL);
154 bool CompressFile2File(FILE *fsrc, FILE *fdest);
155 bool CompressFile2File(FILE *fsrc, FILE *fdest, shash::Any *compressed_hash);
156 bool CompressPath2File(const std::string &src, FILE *fdest,
157 shash::Any *compressed_hash);
158 bool DecompressFile2File(FILE *fsrc, FILE *fdest);
159 bool DecompressPath2File(const std::string &src, FILE *fdest);
161 bool CompressMem2File(const unsigned char *buf, const size_t size,
162 FILE *fdest, shash::Any *compressed_hash);
164 // User of these functions has to free out_buf, if successful
165 bool CompressMem2Mem(const void *buf, const int64_t size,
166 void **out_buf, uint64_t *out_size);
167 bool DecompressMem2Mem(const void *buf, const int64_t size,
168 void **out_buf, uint64_t *out_size);
170 } // namespace zlib
172 #endif // CVMFS_COMPRESSION_H_